The big break is not coming!
It was also about taking that next action. Sitting around wishing and waiting was not going to get me
closer to my goals. I had to start taking actions to get me there.
That’s when the big breaks started to happen: the random collaborations that seemingly appear out
of nowhere. They’re not random, they appear because you have aligned yourself in a way that lets
them in. It all starts with you!
Everything begins with a choice. Some choices are easy to make, some are harder. But nothing starts
until you make a decision!
7 Tips for making decisions
Making the right decision consciously is what will take you and your business to your goal. I know it
is not easy but here are some tips that could you help improve your decision-making skills.
Control your emotions
First and foremost, it is important to control your emotions. No one can make good decisions whilst
under stress. Walk away and re-evaluate when things are calmer. Don’t less stress affect your
Don’t rush into making a decision
Give yourself time to think over a big decision. If someone asks you for a decision and you haven’t
made up your mind yet, say so. Tell them you need a bit more time to think things through. You do
not have to commit to anything now. Decide only when you are ready.
Identify your goals and focus on them
When making a decision, it is really important to keep your eye on the ball. If you forget what the
goal is, you deviate from it and end up making the wrong decision. Setting a goal (and sticking to it)
allows you to set milestones and to keep you focused (and motivated).
Gather as much information as possible
Do your research. How can you make an informed decision when you don’t have all the information
to do so? It is better to know more than nothing at all.
Weigh the pros and cons
Why not look at it from another angle? Why not discuss it with someone you trust? Let’s them be
the devil’s advocate! This would also give you another perspective on things and could help with the
decision-making process.
Consider the risks/consequences
Each decision comes with a price (or a consequence), financially or ethically. Make sure you know
what the risks/consequences are.
Always focus on your values
When you are clear on what your values are, you can approach a decision with confidence knowing
that you are moving towards something that you really want/the life you want to live.
And finally, don’t feel like you are alone in this, we have all been through this at some point in our
If I can help you in any way, please do not hesitate to give me a shout, sometimes all it takes is a
conversation. Click here to book a chat.
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