Tony Robbins said “Your past does not equal your future”
It is true that your past, no matter how bad it was, shapes you but it does not define you or your
Living in the Past
For soooo many years I let my past define me, let it keep me hidden in fear, let it stop me from being
and doing what I truly wanted in my life! I felt I did not have a lot of options. My past mistakes
influenced my every move, affected my self-esteem and robbed me from the happiness I deserved.
The past certainly influences us, but it is the choices we make today that really define who we
become. No matter how bad our past was, we still have some control over what happens to us next
and how we choose to lead our lives.
Our past is important and we shouldn’t wish for it to be different (or have regrets). Our past
mistakes shape us into who we are today. These mistakes are the lessons we learnt and are part of
our personal growth. Whatever happened in the past need to stay there! We need to learn from it
and move on.
Living in the Future
By the same token, it is best not to live too much in the future.
Thinking of the future can be good in many ways. It helps us make plans and encourage us to stick to
our goals. It helps us anticipate what could happen and influences our decisions. Future thinking also
gives us hope for a better life.
But overthinking it or worrying about what could happen next can be detrimental to our wellbeing
and aggravate anxiety.
Jonas Eriksson says: “Make life easier by living in the present and believing in the future”. And I
Living in the Present
Living in the present means no longer worrying about the past (or the future). It means living for
today and more fully, appreciating where you are and what you are doing.
If you struggle to live in the moment, there are little things you can do to help:
– Pay attention to the small things
– Notice your surroundings
– Notice sensory details about your everyday activities (e.g. smell of your morning coffee)
– Practice mindfulness/mindful activities
– Focus on one thing at a time
– Redirect your mind when it goes astray
Living in the moment is not easy. It takes time and practice. Apply some of these strategies every day
and see what happens. And remember to be kind to yourself – treat yourself with the same
compassion you would towards others.
I did not have anyone to help me through this. I had to learn it the hard way. Having someone to
guide me would have saved me years trying to figure it out alone.
That’s why I am so committed to helping YOU get to where you need to be.
I can help you reclaim your story and birth a new brand identity that is 100% aligned with who you
now know yourself to be ✨.
Together, we reframe and realign your authentic story, identity and vision so they can be the
catalyst to attract all of the right clients and opportunities into your life.
Your brand is more than just what your business stands for, it’s what you stand for! It’s what you
want your life to look like!
Why not book a FREE consultation and see how I can help you? Sometimes all it takes is a